Heels (Adult)

Taught by:

Aariel Hall

In this exciting new class, we believe in creating a supportive and empowering environment whether you’re new to heels or already comfortable with them. Heels dance embraces a wide blend of diverse styles with a focus on accentuating the feminine form. In this class, we’ll begin with a warm-up without heels, wear socks or jazz shoes, and for the second portion we encourage you to don your heels for choreography, rhythm, and sassy expressions!

For this class you will need: Sturdy, well fitted heels that you feel comfortable in, as long as it’s safe and suitable for dancing, like character or ballroom heels.

We’ll begin with a warm-up without heels, feel free to wear socks, go barefoot, or use jazz shoes during this phase. Once we’re energized and ready to soar, we’ll transition into the second part of class, where the magic happens with heels on.